Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Benefits and... the Opposite of Benefits

With the change in paper medium came a few more changes.

The Bad
The time it takes to scan is now multiplied by like 5.

The Good
Since the paper I scan on doesn't crumple when you breathe on it, there are far less folds in the page, meaning far less data to scan. The end result is that a lossless PNG frame is roughly the same as a lossy JPEG frame. Additionally, I can store 2 new PNG frames at 150 DPI in the same space that 1 old PNG TIF frame takes at 75 DPI.
Additionally, since I have to manually crop each frame by hand now, if I accidentally left a bunch of white space, I can crop some of it out.
All the images will be exactly 288x432 from now on.

This is a very good thing, overall.


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