The Conquest: Horror
<Random Girl> Oh. Oh, God.
-Random girl
<Random Guy> What, dear?
Watch Sam and Eli learn!
Sam is doing something dumb right now!
Eli might consume trilobytes!
<Evil Vaccum> RAR!
-Evil vaccum
*When I fe-fell, the wa-wa-water had be-become s-s-s-something else...
<Whale> ROOOAAR!*
-Ocean of coffee
*Time passed s-slowly. Oh so slowl-l-l-ly.
<Whale> ROOOAAR!*
-Whale's eye
*Ant t-the caff-caff-caffeine came s-slowly...
<Whale> ROOOAAR!*
-Whale's eye
*Bu-but never did c-come the sl-sleeep...
<Whale> ROOOAAR!*
-Whale's eye
*Day and n-night came and w-went many t-times over, but not s-sleep...
<Whale> ROOOAAR!*
Not The End
Sam sammy!
Eli whatever!
Evil Vaccum councily!
Whale caffinated!
Comic serious boring!
To Be Continued!