The Paper Airplanes
-Paper airplane
Watch Sam and Eli learn!
Sam is folding paper!
Eli might have painted impossible sequins!
-Fanny pack
Sam makes an airplane!
Eli is amazed!
<Eli> COOL!
-Fanny pack
-Paper airplane
Eli makes a plane too!
He challenges Sam to a duel!
Fight Sam and Eli! Fight!
<Eli> I bet mine's better!
-Fanny pack
-Paper airplane
<Sam> You're on!
-Paper airplane
Sam and Eli toss their airplanes!
Fly planes! Fly!
-Fanny pack
The planes fly very high!
They have bombs!
What will they do?
<Eli's Airplane>
-Eli's plane
<Sam's Airplane>
-Sam's plane
Sam's plane bombs Eli!
Eli's plane returns the favor!
Explode Sam and Eli! Explode!
<Eli's Airplane>
-Eli's plane
<Sam's Airplane>
-Sam's plane
<Sam> BOOM
<Eli> BOOM
-Fanny pack
The End
Sam exploded!
Eli destroyed!
Airplanes deadly!