The Clock
<Clock> Tick tock
Watch Sam and Eli learn!
Sam is clueless!
Eli might be invisible!
-Fanny pack
<Clock> Tick tock
Sam is clueless!
Eli is comatose!
-Fanny pack
<Clock> Tick tock
Sam is clueless!
Eli is comatose!
-Fanny pack
<Clock> Tick tock
Sam is clueless!
Eli is comatose!
-Fanny pack
<Clock> T-tick
Eli flips out!
Sam flips out!
They think time stopped!
-Fanny pack
<Sam> Time stopped!
15 minutes later...
Eli flips out!
Sam flips out!
They think time stopped!
<Eli> AAAAA!
-Fanny pack
<Sam> Time stopped!
15 minutes later...
Eli flips out!
Sam has an idea!
They think time stopped!
-Fanny pack
<Sam> Dude, maybe we should do something fun!
The Evil Vaccum cleaner returns!
Eli flips out!
Sam flips out!
-Fanny pack
<Evil Vaccum>
-Evil vaccum
Eli flips out!
Sam has a revalation!
The vaccum is happy!
<Eli> AAAA!
-Fanny pack
<Sam> If the vaccum is here time can't have stopped! The clock just broke!
<Evil Vaccum>
-Evil vaccum
The End
Sam enlightened!
Eli scared!
Eli also stupid!