The Hunt
-Fanny pack
Watch Sam and Eli learn!
Sam is bored
Eli might be the Messiah!
-Fanny pack
The fly annoys Eli!
Eli tries to swat the fly!
<Eli> Stupid fly!
-Fanny pack
Sam will help!
Sam transforms!
The fly annoys Eli!
<Eli> AA!
-Fanny pack
<Sam> I am TarSam! King of Jungle!
TarSam will save the day!
TarSam hunts the fly!
<Eli> ?
-Fanny pack
<Sam> AAaaAaAaaAA!
Eli transforms!
The fly annoys Sam!
Sam hunts the fly!
<Eli> I am Eli Fett!
-Fanny pack
-Rocket pack
<Sam> AaAAaaaAaAaAAA!
Eli Fett shoots the fly!
The hunt is over!
-Rocket pack
-Fanny pack
-Laser blasts
-Dead fly
TarSam eats the fly raw!
TarSam is a primal creature!
<Eli> ?
-Rocket pack
-Fanny pack
<Sam> I am one with the land!
The End
Sam full!
Eli scared!