Eli's Crush: Part I
<Love Interest Dummy>
Watch Sam and Eli learn!
Sam is bored!
Eli might be decaffinated!
-Fanny pack
<Love Interest Dummy™>
Eli has a secret!
Eli wants a favor!
Sam is a pal!
<Eli> I have crush on dummy! Talk to her for me!
-Fanny pack
<Sam> Sure!
<Love Interest Dummy™>
What is Sam doing!
Sam is greedy!
Sam is lusty!
2 our of 7 ain't bad!
-Fanny pack
<Sam> Drop your panties Sir William, I cannot wait 'till lunchtime
<Love Interest Dummy™>
Eli is confused!
Sam is doing the wrong thing!
<Eli> What he doing?
-Fanny pack
<Sam> You have beautiful lines!
<Love Interest Dummy™>
Eli is mad!
Sam is going to directly suffer from the consequences of his dishonest actions!
Charge Eli! Charge!
<Eli> AAAAA!
-Fanny pack
<Sam> ?
<Love Interest Dummy™>
Sam will be unconscious!
Eli got revenge!
<Eli> Yaaaaa!
-Fanny pack
<Sam> Ow...
<Love Interest Dummy™>
Not The End
To be continued...